Stay up to date with current and future happenings through our Connect newsletter.
MARCH 2023
As promised, we will be updating you with our vision and mission for a proposed new church and sincerely hope that you will prayerfully consider joining us on this challenging yet thrilling opportunity to further spread the Word of God in our community and around the world.
Should the Lord allow this new church body to be formed, it will officially be known as Four Peaks Christian Church. And while we are not officially a church yet, we are in the planning stages of organizing this new place of worship for those in the Phoenix Metropolitan area.
Our goal is not to simply start another church for the sake of it, but to provide an opportunity and fill the ever widening gap for those looking to be challenged with their relationship in Christ through authentic, Biblically focused Christ centered teaching designed to Challenge Your Faith.
If you are interested and feel led to partner with us on this journey, please SUBSCRIBE to the Connect Newsletter and feel free to ask any questions you may have through our CONTACT page.
Many of you will have already read the initial article below "A new Year, A New Direction" on why we are looking to form this new church, but if you have not, I encourage you to read it as it will help you gain a better understanding of why we are headed in a new direction.
In addition to establishing the name for this future place of worship, a website has been developed for Four Peaks Christian Church in order to keep clear communication on the future of the church aspect of this ministry.
To learn more about how we are progressing on forming this new place of worship, please visit the Four Peaks Christian Church website directly or by clicking HERE to be redirected. The web address is:
In the meantime weekly messages will continue to be uploaded to the Face Your Faith site for the foreseeable future. Should a church not be in God’s plan, we will continue just as we have been with the Face Your Faith ministry and presenting the Word of God to the world.
Also be looking for a survey that will be coming out in April to find out how many of you, your friends, and family will be interested in being a part of Four Peaks Christian Church when we hope to begin holding in person service in 2024.
With warmest regards and all to the glory of God,
West Kenyon
Face Your Faith & Four Peaks Christian Church
A New Year, A New Direction
From the JANUARY edition
You can Listen to the Newsletter Here
This year, Face Your Faith marks one year since launching its online ministry. Throughout 2022, God allowed this fledgling online ministry to grow in ways that were never imagined.
To date, 66 messages have been made available on the Faith Your Faith website, along with being available on all major podcast channels (Amazon, Apple, Google, Spotify and iHeart). Over 200,000 people have connected with Face Your Faith through our various online resources. 500 plus messages are downloaded per month across all media platforms, and a Facebook reach of over 5,000 per month, along with a growing number signing up for our monthly newsletter.
These numbers and opportunities are the impossible things that only God can do and allow when we strive to diligently, sincerely and boldly proclaim His Word. There is no personal credit that can be taken for this success, and the missional impact on 6 continents for the Kingdom.
And this brings us to a new year and hopefully more opportunities and challenges from God to further grow Face Your Faith. The opportunities and challenges of 2022 were incredible and each one grew this ministry in monumental ways and most notably, God providing everything necessary through the generosity of just a few, along with all the necessary financial resources without a single monetary donation.
This however is a great time to remember that all of this does not just happen by chance. Face Your Faith was not “lucky” or in the right place at the right time, no, this is all directly from the hand of God. It is also vitally important to remember that it is the responsibility of this ministry to reinvest 100% of every blessing from God in 2022, back into furthering the Word of God in even greater ways in 2023.
In as much, it is also vitally important to acknowledge those who have given freely of their time and incredible abilities this past year in support of Face Your Faith.
First, I would like to acknowledge Dr. Guy Whatley, my friend and internationally accomplished organist, pianist and harpsichordist, who is very generously providing an extensive and spectacular collection of hymns for organ and all recorded exclusively for Face Your Faith.
Dr. Whatley regularly performs at concert halls across the world, and his music can be heard on Grammy-winning recordings. Guy has spent a life-time in music , and is recognized as one of his generations' leading performers and teachers.
There is no doubt that having the likes of Dr. Whatley's
expertise is a profound honor and blessing.
Next, I would like to sincerely thank Mark Teachey, a man I am so happy to have met this past year who is also exceptionally accomplished and has spent a life-time in music, with his primary focus on composing and sound production.
His work is vast and there is a good chance you may be unknowingly familiar with it. Mark has an extensive repertoire and clients to match, such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Samsung, Warner Brothers Games, Mars Wrigley & PepsiCo, to name a few.
Mark has also graciously composed and provided Face Your Faith with numerous superbly performed and arranged classical guitar hymns, in addition to having composed our intro music that opens each message. Again, the likes of what Mark brings to this ministry is truly incredible.
Another a big thank you is in order to Joseph Kupper, owner of Lighthouse Productions, LLC who is also donating an inordinate
amount of his time and expertise with his masterful skill of recording and editing of each organ hymn performed by Dr. Whatley.
Joseph's passion and dedication is always poured out into his work both in and out of the studio which drives great inspiration into every recording session, along with a first rate product.
And last but certainly not least, Joe Conner, a great and inspirational friend, has been vitally important in helping to shape the future of Face Your Faith.
Joe is profoundly passionate to see that the gospel is spread to all the world and a champion of diving headfirst into running this ministry race with perseverance. He is also the resounding voice you hear introducing our messages each week.
To me, these four individuals represent what it means to give and give freely with excellence, and I am both honored and blessed to work with each of them.
And I too am grateful and must give great praise to the Lord for blessing me with 17 years of volunteer ministry with one of the worlds largest Christian drug rehabilitation facilities and through that having the amazing privilege of continuing to spread the Word so far to over 10,000+ men and women.
With that, the successes of the past year in all that God has so freely provided to the ministry work of Face Your Faith, we are going to embark on a major undertaking and that of bringing the online ministry of Face Your Faith to an in-person venue, yes, we are looking to launch a church in the Phoenix AZ metro area in 2024.
This was and is by no means a spontaneous or easy decision, but not that a number of people have expressed serious interest in seeing come to fruition, and I believe a potential opportunity that should, at the very least, be given a dedicated effort.
While I also believe this is an amazing opportunity to further engage with the local community of believers and the world to further spread God’s Word, it is also a time to exercise great caution, and discipline, while seeking Godly wisdom and allowing God to fully do His work in every aspect of this endeavor. It is a time to stay focused on God, and abandon all personal desires and self-serving agendas.
While many of you reading this are not located in Arizona, I hope that I can ask each of you to simply petition God through prayer that regardless of what He allows to come to fruition, that we will be completely submissive to His will and direction to serve His people with passion regardless of the outcome of this endeavor.
Over the next few months, full details will be released as to what this potential new church will seek to do, stand for and the purpose behind this mission.
In closing, I am exceedingly grateful to each one of you who have been so supportive of Face Your Faith in 2022. The emails and Facebook notes have been exceptionally encouraging, and I pray that you will allow God to direct your paths in service for Him throughout this new year in your community.
With warmest regards and all to the glory of God,
West Kenyon
Face Your Faith & Four Peaks Christian Church
The mission of Face Your Faith is to share the Word of God to anyone who wishes to hear it. It is our job, each of us, as ministers of the Word of Truth to tell the whole world about Jesus Christ, His birth, death and resurrection and the free gift of salvation to anyone who accepts.
It is our mission is to humbly and lovingly present our hope, both now and what is to come. Our message is to be a simple, and straightforward, account of what it looks like to be a Christian, a true Christ follower.
This year we hope to accomplish even more than we did in 2022. Message topics will include the purpose of the Church at large and
what God desires of us in worship, in addition to many other topics relating to parenting, substance abuse, the sacraments, prayer, reading the Bible, and our conduct as believers in the world, and much more.
Make 2023 a year you get involved with living out your ministry God has called you to participate in, and that of living out your life in Christ and being prepared to tell the world about what you have found in and through salvation. Together, let's get back to Christ centered basics.